Thursday 11 December 2008

The Evolution Of Brtiney Spears...Part 1

This image of Britney Spears has been cropped in a mid-long shot. This type of shot is usually used for men’s magazines. The image of Britney is used to appeal to the men’s audience. 58% of the audience for Rolling Stone are men compared with 42%. 63% of these buyers are aged 25 to 54. As a 17 year old being used on a magazine being bought by men almost twice her age, I feel it is quite controversial.
Britney’s costume is teasing the readers. Members of the audience may have different readings of this image. Some may find it quite provocative, particularly the male readers. She is wearing pink and polka dot black knickers which is not really appealing in a sexual way; if she was intending to come across sexy she would have worn a different type of underwear. The polka dot connotes femininity and playfulness. She is wearing a school shirt with it open so her chest is on show. This image to me comes across as a rebellious school girl. This image may appeal to young adults/older teenagers. This is also an intertextual reference to her fist music video which was also controversial. In the video her shirt is buttoned up but here it seems to have been ripped open.
For this image the props that are being used are a telephone and a teddy bear. The teddy bear is still showing that she is a young girl at heart, every little girl has a teddy bear in her bedroom and Britney is just like that. The telephone is conveying that she is like another teenager, she still likes to talk on the phone and have her little bit of gossip. This is a very stereotypical idea about teenage girls. There are a lot of contradictions in this image.
The setting used is a bed which is covered in silk, which is quite a luxurious material. Britney is lying down on the bed and us as the audience are looking down on her, which her looks vulnerable and the readership dominant. This is teasing the readers.
The colours being used are pink, black and white are feminine colours, pink is mainly being used which is the most feminine colour. This image was used to create media attention as she is only 17.

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