Thursday 11 December 2008

The Evolution Of Britney Spears...Part 2

Once again Rolling Stones has cropped a mid-long shot of Britney Spears so that it appeals to the male audience.
Britney is wearing just only underwear, comparing this pose and costume to her previous there is a very big difference. This image of Britney is very sexual and playful. The relationship Britney wants may be quite sexual. She may want the readership to see her as a sex symbol. This may have been leaded on from Britney’s first feature in Rolling Stones where Britney was not seen in a sexual way but in a teasing way, where to now she is seen sexually. As Rolling Stones is mainly being purchased by men aged 25 to 54, she maybe featured in this magazine to make her audience go from teenagers to people aged 54, so Britney also might be widening her audience.
The setting used is two white walls they look as if they are slyly closing in on Britney. I feel that the setting and the connotations are contrasting because the settings to me resemble purity however if you was to compare it to Britney’s costume and pose, the emotions for me are confused. Maybe like Britney.
High key lighting is used so it makes Britney stand out in an angelic way, as if Britney is saying to the readers come into the light.
The only colours being used are white, white is a colour of purity and innocence, this may be so that the audience may see Britney in a sexual way but may see her in as a ‘good girl’.

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