Thursday 11 December 2008

The Evolution Of Britney Spears...Part 3

This image of Britney has been chosen for the front cover because it is a dramatic picture of her. The significant use of black and white adds more drama. The reader knows that this feature of Britney is not going to be about her positive emotions but the opposite. This front cover is quite depressing and this brings the readers in because they want to know Britney’s pain.
The image of Britney has been cropped in a close shot of Britney’s face. This is so that her emotions are clear by her facial expressions.
Britney wants the readership to feel sympathetic for her. Her expressions show her emotions and the audience can tell that she is not happy. This is supported by the anchorage text because it states inside an American tragedy, and this tells the audience that Britney is going through an emotional time, this brings the readers in more.

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