Tuesday 9 December 2008

Magazine Front Cover Analysis...Vibe Vixen

The title of this magazine is Vibe Vixen. The definition of vixen “A person, traditionally a woman, who persistently nags or criticizes.” So this instantly indicates that the people who are included in this magazine are well known women in the music industry. With a title like this I would think that the main audience of this magazine a teenage girls, who are really interested in music and want to read about their favourite women singers. Vibe vixen is a catchy name and it can be said with rhythm this is a very good title. This magazine is part of vibe magazine but is for only women this maybe for the reason that vibe magazine is mainly aimed at men.
The text is written in white font and the puff word is written in pink so that it stands out to the costumers. “Win a free trip to paradise!” Seems like it is appealing to the audience individually. So it makes the readership want to buy it more.
A graphical feature has been used. This makes it stand out to the costumers that they go to the specific page.
They have written what Vibe Vixen is all about this is always included on the front cover this is because this is a some kind of assurance to the costumers when they go to buy another issue they know it is still going to be the same.

All these accessories included are items a typical vixen would use. This also relates to the readerships attitude it makes them feel they are meant to read this magazine and that it is meant for them.

Boot, lipstick, wine, book and purse are items a typical vixen would use. This also relates to the readerships attitude it makes them feel they are meant to read this magazine and that it is meant for them. This is one of the text used on the magazine front cover.

The colour scheme of this magazine is very feminine, a rich purple is used. These colours are usually preferred by women who are quite dominating. This colour is great for this type of magazine.

The anchorage text for this image tells us why Rihanna is the central image. I think that this is very ironic because this magazine does not include any men on this magazine and when they are mentioned they are getting criticised, once again this links to the title of the magazine. The anchorage text is written on the left hand side so it can catch the readers’ eye. This spot is known as the sweep spot.

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