Friday 12 December 2008

Pliminary Task...College Magazine

This is a mock version of my school magazine. I created this through Adobe Illustrator and also edited the pictures through Adobe Photoshop. The layout of the magazine is very plain, simple and easy to understand and read. Ihave used bright and attractive colours because i feel that this appeals to my target audience.I have made the main image the only image and the largest image on the magazine. The main image is of a very well known boy (the sixth form president) in the school, so when the reader first sees the magazine they will see the main image and they will want to get the magazine as they know who is on the front cover and would like to find out why.I have made the main anchorage text the biggest writing on the page, so that when the students, they will have an interest. I have included a graphical feature so that the readership, gets drawn in to the magazine and they feel that they are getting more out of this magazine.
If I could improve the magazine I would make the main image better quality and also include more topics that you could find in the magazine onto the front cover.

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